Guangzhou Bailunzi Leather Products Co., Ltd
Ladies Bags
Guangzhou Bailenz Leather Products Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, its own factory is located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, has accumulated 12 years of leather goods domestic and foreign trade sales experience. Set design, research and development, production and processing as one of the professional leather OEM/ODM enterprises. The factory is equipped with professional testing equipment, strict quality control, in the factory can complete the hardware salt spray test, corrosion resistance test, leather rub resistance, color fastness, tensile test and many other professional tests, products have passed ISO9000 certification, BSCI, Disney, SGS certification. Main: All kinds of fashionable men's bags, women's bags, wallets, card bags, document bags, key bags, backpacks, travel bags, pet bags, children's bags, gift bags, men's and women's belts, children's belts, clothing accessories, shoes and other leather products.